Re: Pspell Support

Subject: Re: Pspell Support
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Mon Nov 06 2000 - 12:33:35 CST

dom> This got me thinking: can we have an option in AbiWord to switch
dom> locales/languages, kind of like how MSWord does? It seems like
dom> it'd be easy to do with the new encoding manager. I'll look into
dom> this...

While you're thinking (and possibly acting) on this, I suggest that
LOCALE be an attribute of text in an Abi document, not much different
from fonts, sizes, and other treatments. I'd imagine a default LOCALE
for a document, and then menu items for switching LOCALE, changing the
LOCALE of a highlighted region, etc. (This is an idea that was
discussed briefly a few months back with respect to smart quotes with
different rules for different LOCALEs. Same idea for spelling.)

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