Re: does expat/libtool combo work on Win32?

Subject: Re: does expat/libtool combo work on Win32?
From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Mon Feb 12 2001 - 12:18:57 CST

At 09:00 AM 2/12/01 -0500, Thomas Briggs wrote:
> I've been upgrading to the newest CygWin distributions as soon as they
>come out for about the last year or so, so if things don't work with CygWin
>B19, B20 or B21 that may well be my fault. Since I seem to be one of the
>few people still building from the command line on Windows I haven't been
>overly concerned with older CygWin distributions.

Bummer. That's what I was afraid of. Indeed, some digging around in Google
confirms that key bits of automake/libtool support were added sometime after

> So the easiest solution to your problem is probably just to upgrade to
>the latest CygWin. Make sure you install it in a root directory though -
>Abi won't build unless your CygWin root dir is really a root dir (which is
>not Abi's fault).

OK, I'll give it a try. If it works, we should update the required tools
section of the build instructions accordingly (both in the src and online).


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