equation editor non-image importing

Subject: equation editor non-image importing
From: Seth Vidal (skvidal@phy.duke.edu)
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 20:04:52 CST

 I've gone through some of the archive regarding this issue.
 I was wondering what the current plan is regarding dealing with MS
equation editor imports.

I work in a physics dept and odd things like people sending ms word
files using the equation editor for their equations is not uncommon. It
would be nice if abiword could handle their importing (and later
editing) - Is this really a better question for the libwv people? or has
a lot of that development merged here.

I'm sorry for asking this question if its a FAQ - but I didn't find
anything on the website regarding this much. I also found very little on
this issue from google - some mention of using mathml for an independent
equation editor - but not much about handling ms importing for that.


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