Re: Reveal codes (was Re: Zero-length Runs and show codes)

Subject: Re: Reveal codes (was Re: Zero-length Runs and show codes)
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Thu Feb 15 2001 - 15:06:40 CST

jesper> So if modern word processors leave the same kind of mess as WP
jesper> did, I'd argue that we actually do need the option - at least
jesper> for the control freaks :)

It's obvious to me that modern versions of (at least) MSWord *do*
leave invisible crap laying around inside the document that is, in
practice, very difficult to get rid of. I'm sure there are many
long-time MSWord users who know nothing about the "view all"
preferences item, and who spend non-trivial amounts of time tweaking
the physical appearance of runs of text because they don't have a
clear picture of what MSWord believes to be the structure of the

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