Different name extension for auto-saved files?

Subject: Different name extension for auto-saved files?
From: Martin Sevior (msevior@mccubbin.ph.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Thu Jul 12 2001 - 08:27:33 CDT

Hi Joaquin,
          It just occurred to me that having auto-saved files with an
extension *.bak is perhaps not such a good idea. Why? Because Sam's
segfault saver program also writes out files with an exension
*.bak. Unfortunately the segfault saver by it's very nature is not
reliable because by definition the program has got itself into an
undefined state. There is no guarentee that the file written out witht he
segfault saver will be usuable. Now since the segfault saver also uses the
*.bak name, it will overwite the auto-saved backup which in effect renders
the backup useless since you can't trust it.

How about renaming the backup file, *.sav or something else. That way
users only lose a few minutes of typing upon a segfault.

Can you make this change? I'm flat out with other bug fixes right now.



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