Re: Commit: A boat load of things

Subject: Re: Commit: A boat load of things
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Wed Mar 07 2001 - 20:13:56 CST

paul> - the usual recheck button (unignore everything)

I want the ability to recheck without unignoring the stuff I've
explicitly said to ignore earlier. Getting rid of the double
negative, I want the ability to recheck while ignoring the stuff I've
explicitly said to ignore earlier.

My guess is that you are thinking of this as "everyone has on the fly
spell checking on, so the squiggles are a valuable clue". Many people
turn on-the-fly off because it annoys them. (If you're always using
on-the-fly, the bulk check is of diminished value anyhow. You could
just as easily scroll through the document yourself, doing right
clicks on stuff that was squiggled.)

In that "no on-the-fly" scenario, a bulk check can deal with
"everything so far". You mark an item "ignored" or "ignore all", you
correct it, you add it to the dictionary, or you accept the fact that
the next bulk check will show it to you again if you re-run it. Now,
type 5 more pages and re-run the bulk checker. Why go through that
previous labor all over again?

Now, at the end of writing the whole document, just before giving it
to your boss, you decide to re-run the bulk checker, but this time you
want it to recheck everything, even the stuff you ignored earlier,
because you allow for the possibility that you erred earlier or even
have had a change of judgement. "Meathead at HQ" should now be "Meet
head at HQ".

bill@carpenter.ORG (WJCarpenter)    PGP 0x91865119
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