RE: Styles again.

Subject: RE: Styles again.
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Sun May 13 2001 - 12:08:46 CDT

ms> What I want to do is define a style like "LightBlue". All this
ms> does is change the colour of a paragraph to "LightBlue" leaving
ms> all other properties untouched. The "delete properties" button
ms> allows this for the definition but the application of the style
ms> screws things up.

So, in this kind of scheme, you could have multiple styles, each of
which defined a few attributes, and they would stack in some
particular order to give one consistent result? Sounds cool.

So, you manually set the paragraph color to "DarkRed", it shows dark
red. You then apply a style defining paragraph color as "LightBlue".
That blocks the "DarkRed" but all other attributes shine through. The
paragraph now shows as light blue. Later, you go back and get rid of
that style (from the stack of "styles that apply here"). "DarkRed"
now can shine through again, and the paragraph shows in dark red. All
other attributes, like fonts, weights, spacing, are unaffected by this
example but could have been affected by other styles one happened to

Is that what you're saying?

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