Re: Suggestion: ugly Hack or subtle hint?

Subject: Re: Suggestion: ugly Hack or subtle hint?
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 16:18:10 CDT

Alan wrote:
> Mike Nordell wrote:
> > Why is this even a problem?
> users want to be able to save as .doc, abiword does not currently
> support .doc

Well I would never, personally, stand behind a decision to save RTF as .
doc. But, if the majority of users are as ignorant as it seems from these
posting, maybe we just have to cave in to the pressure. I will never like it
(or accept it, since it _is_ a lie), but if "the market" turns out to be so
ignorant, what other choices do we have?

Perhaps the choice of truth?

    "Save as Word (rtf)"

Let "Word" be the prominent thing and let "rtf" be just a "small thing" in
the context. I will never accept saving an RTF document in Win32 as .doc
(when it should be saved as .rtf), but perhaps we could just add another
"Save as" format that displays "Word (rtf)"?

> I get the distinct impression that my intial suggestion is doomed.
> Nevermind.

Not at all. Don't let my words put you down. I'm just one voice within a
cooperative effort, and as such you shouldn't let my opposition turn you
down. Quite the opposite, if you feel strongly about an issue; argue! :-)
That's why it's called "abiword-dev", it's for developers. Without
arguments, where would we be today?


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