Re: Newbie volunteer -- need some directions and help

From: F J Franklin (
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 15:00:28 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Commit: JSKOV plugin code, bump version number"

    The way I started was to go through Bugzilla's open bugs looking for ones
    that seemed (a) interesting, and (b) vaguely relevant to my expertise
    (such as it was/is).

    The next step is frightening, because you realize just how *big* AbiWord
    is. Try to ignore as much of it as possible. Tunnel vision is your ally.

    When at long last you've figured out how stupid I/we've been - which is
    not unlikely - create a patch (ask how, if uncertain) and send it to us.
    If it gets ignored, either:
    (a) it's a bad patch,
    (b) it's too advanced and no one understands it, or
    (c) we're all leaving it to someone else to deal with...
    A little gentle nudging won't go amiss.

    If we start swearing at you, there's a problem - though not necessarily a
    fatal one. It's unlikely, however.

    It's a big project, and there are only a few developers. If you're
    determined to help, there will be plenty to do.

    Ciao, Frank

    Francis James Franklin

    "No, she really likes me. She told me I look like Britney Spears, and why
    would you say that to somebody you don't like?"
                                                               --- Elle Woods

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