Newbie volunteer -- need some directions and help

From: Roshan Mathews (
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 01:07:32 EDT

  • Next message: Adrian Phillips: "Re: Got Cygwin, now what?"


    Alan Horkan asked me to put a basic request for instructions here.
    I am a beginner (haven't coded for any large project) and I
    thought I'd like to help over here. Can anyone help me get started
    with fixing bugs or something.

    I am learning GTK+, right now from Ian Main's tutorial. So I
    guess, I should be able to help with the Linux version of AbiWord.
    I also know basic C. But I have no idea about how to go about bug-
    fixing, testing etc.

       [Note: Because some problems here I can't access the internet
       through Linux, so I do it through Windows, so can you tell me
       where I can get the sources and other things needed to get
       started. (I can't use CVS)]

    I'd like to contribute code too, but after I get comfortable with
    bug-testing and the feel of the existing code.

    Thanks in advance, all help would be appreciated.

       _|__|__|__|__| Roshan Mathews _|__|__|__|__|__|_
       __|__|__| _|__|__|__|

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