Re: Newbie volunteer -- need some directions and help

From: Roshan Mathews (
Date: Sat Apr 13 2002 - 02:36:02 EDT

  • Next message: F J Franklin: "Re: commit: Win32, correct Letter to psLetter"

    Hello Frank and others,

      : The way I started was to go through Bugzilla's open bugs
      : looking for ones that seemed (a) interesting, and (b)
      : vaguely relevant to my expertise (such as it was/is).

    That will be right? The problem is that I
    have no particular area of expertise, (I thought I knew C pretty
    well but had to revise my opinion after trying to work through
    K&R). I am struggling through the GTK+ tutorial too.

    So I'd like to start with someone giving me the smaller parts of
    the code to write or something. Is this possible?

    The problem is I have no idea how this system works. I mean I
    don't know how to find the bugs I'm looking for unless I know the
    entire source, and I really won't know how to read thousands of
    line of AbiWord code? Helpful ideas, anyone?

      : The next step is frightening, because you realize just how
      : *big* AbiWord is. Try to ignore as much of it as possible.
      : Tunnel vision is your ally.

    So I should download the latest source, right? But since I can't
    use CVS, how do I find the latest sources?

      : When at long last you've figured out how stupid I/we've been
      : - which is not unlikely - create a patch (ask how, if
      : uncertain) and send it to us.

    OK, I'll make a patch after I read the source. (A) If the source,
    is huge, I won't be able to read it right? So then how do I find
    the bugs? (B) I'll read the info pages on diff and patch, will
    that be enough?

      : If we start swearing at you, there's a problem - though not
      : necessarily a fatal one. It's unlikely, however.


      : It's a big project, and there are only a few developers. If
      : you're determined to help, there will be plenty to do.

    I am determined, 'cos I'm Pop-Eye the sailor man. OK, I am not
    very crazy, so I can work. :)

    Seriously, I'd really like to join the project.

      : Ciao, Frank


       _|__|__|__|__| Roshan Mathews _|__|__|__|__|__|_
       __|__|__| _|__|__|__|

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