Re: Pango? (was Re: commit: abi: UTF8String class)

From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Sun Apr 21 2002 - 22:34:09 EDT

  • Next message: Leonard Rosenthol: "Re: commit: abi: UTF8String class"

    At 3:17 AM +0100 4/22/02, Andrew Dunbar wrote:
    >Pango is cross-platform

            Well, for those platforms for which the entirety of glib2 has
    been ported - which as far as I know is....Linux, Linux and Linux.

    >and is an abstraction that will use
    >Uniscribe on Windows and ATSUI on Mac as well as
    >FreeType on *nix.

            Not as I understand it. It will simply use FT2 - it does NOT
    try to sit on top of UniScribe or ATSUI...nor why should it since
    most of that logic is higher up in Pango.

    >Pango provides similar functionality to MS's Uniscribe. FreeType
    >only provides the functionality that you get from OpenType/TrueType


    >You won't get proper
    >rendering of Thai or Indian languages with FreeType

            True, you'd need to add the appropriate glyph shapers,
    contextual handlers, etc. Tomas has already done a nice job of that
    with Hebrew and Arabic, and if/when we get users who are itching for
    Thai and Indian, we can add shapers for those too.

    >Do a Google search
    >for Uniscribe or ATSUI to see what they provide that
    >we will need sooner or later.

            I am quite familiar with both, thanks ;). I know a number of
    folks on both development/engineering teams...

    >I think the major argument we had against Pango was
    >that it requires glib


    >The Gnome guys don't
    >see this as a problem since glib is cross-platform.

            See comment about glib and XP ;).


    Leonard Rosenthol                            <>

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