FreeType and patents [Re: further notes on using Pango]

From: Alan Horkan (
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 09:18:06 EDT

  • Next message: Randy Kramer: "Re: Commit: format painter"

    > Myself included but not too many church secretaries
    > are going to edit their FreeType makefile and rebuild
    > to get AbiWord to antialias like all their other
    > software already does automatically.

    church secretaries! understatement of the week.
    i should get in the habit of compiling from source, but computer
    users who do compile from source a rare minority of a minority.

    Where does Apple hold these patents?
    To what extent can we turn this on and then have a HUGE DISCLAIMER that
    Americans and others with crazy patent laws may not use it. According
    to some distributions turn it on by default.

    Anyone care to ask apple for a license ?
    Apple dont seem to be pursuing this very aggessively.

    It might be a problem for anyone wishing to commerially distribute Abiword
    but is anyone considered to be commercially distributing Abiword at the
    moment (i dont inlcuding it in a distributions counts, but im no expert).

    Alan Horkan

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