[AbiCalc] Spreadsheet proposal

From: Alan Horkan (horkana@tcd.ie)
Date: Fri Mar 22 2002 - 18:13:48 EST

  • Next message: David Chart: "Re: Commit: Documentation Update"

    Im offering 20 Euro for someone to start a Spreadsheet project as part of
    the Abiword project/Abisource framework.

    The proposal is also available here:
    I have not worked out all the details but this is pretty much it.

    Im going home now but I will check my mail and be on IRC tomorrow.

    Alan Horkan

    Request for Proposal: AbiCalc

    I rarely use spreadsheets when i do use them it is usually just as an easy
    way to sort, manipulate and layout data. Other times i use spreadsheets as
    a simple flatform database.

    Abstract. A very simple spreadsheet using the AbiSource framework. I
    will pay 20 Euro. I know it is not much, it is intended only as an

    Hard Requirements: Must run on at least win32 (Microsoft Windows98) and a
    Linux (preferably RedHat/Mandrake) version of your choice. Impexp CSV
    (Comma seperated values) (or even better some sort of XML file format,
    must be uncompressed by default).

    Alphabetical sort A-Z and Z-A, Find and Replace.

    Soft Requirements: Should resemble the de facto standard spreadsheet

    There are a few other things like cut & paste that would also be needed.
    This is only the first draft. There are a few more features i need to
    specify, but I need to think carefully about exactly how I use

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