Implementing support for barbarisms correction

From: Jordi Mas (
Date: Sat Sep 21 2002 - 11:06:48 EDT

  • Next message: Alan Horkan: "Re: RTF idea"


    A common problem in Catalan language are barbarisms, they basically words that
    are incorrect but that are widely use. One common reason for this to happen,
    is because the areas were Catalan is spoken usually people also speak French
    or Spanish, then people easily borrow words from other language to other.

    In Catalan, for example, there may glossaries of barbarisms, they usually have
    listed the incorrect word, the barbarism, and a proper replacement. For
    example "tamany, mida". Tamany is borrowed from Spanish "tamaño" but in
    Catalan is incorrect, the proper word is "mida", that means "size". For spell
    checking programs since "tamany" and "mida" are very different words they just
    cannot make a good suggestion, because this is not a typo, is just an
    incorrect words been used.

    Well, coming back to Abiword. I have been thinking of implementing an optional
    barbarism file for every language, if the file is present is used, if not
    nothing happens. It is just a list of incorrect words and they correct replacemnt.

    Does anybody have a problem with me implementing this? Any other languages
    were this can be useful?



    Jordi Mas

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