Re: Implementing support for barbarisms correction

From: Jordi Mas (
Date: Sun Sep 22 2002 - 07:52:45 EDT

  • Next message: Jordi Mas: "Re: Implementing support for barbarisms correction"

    > And the example that Jordi used, "tamany" instead of "mida"... well,
    > after several years studying catalan (in the south valencia zone), I've
    > never heard before of "mida". I've always heard "tamany", so maybe
    > that's another example that changes with the region, and here we have a
    > problem, because AFAIK the user can not specify ca-VA or ca-CA, but just
    > ca-ES. (I can also be blatantly wrong here, as I come from a spanish
    > speaking region, and not from a catalan speaking one.)

    The problem that you are point out applies to barbarism detection and spell
    cheking. Local dialects always have minor differences. If there is no such a
    ca-va spell checking dictionary is because valencian is just a dialect and
    what it is correct in a language, it is correct in its dialects.

    As you Catalan language has been illegal (forbidden) to speak and write for
    long periods twice is less than 200 years (1714 and 1939). I has suffered a
    lot. We also only got a proper grammar at the begining of the twenty century.
    Today to write it properly is the best way of keeping something that is just
    part of our culture. Tamany is just wrong, as it is wrong in English to write
    "jello" instead of "hello".

    In most languages there is an institution that fixes the correct use of the
    language and is recognised by all the speakers, I do not think that computer
    users are different to regular speakers.



    Jordi Mas

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