Re: My native language called 'kelabit'

From: Kenneth J. Davis (
Date: Fri Feb 14 2003 - 07:33:32 EST

  • Next message: Kenneth J. Davis: "commit"

    I can't do it at the moment, but next week (someone remind me
    if I forget) I can/will setup my build box to do this (run
    abiword --dumpstrings and upload the file to
    somewhere) nightly.

    Why is dumpstrings only available for debug builds?

    Query, do you (bill) want only to work on the translation?
    If that is the case, then things can be a lot simpler, i.e
    setting up a full development environment can be avoided.


    On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 12:17:20 +0000 (GMT) Alan Horkan <> wrote:
    AH> Perhaps someone with an up to date developement enviroment will be
    AH> helpful
    AH> enough to save you trouble of downloading the source code and
    AH> generating
    AH> an en-US .strings or .po file.
    AH> It would make translation easier for a lot of people if you did not
    AH> need a
    AH> unstable development build of abiword to generate an en-US strings
    AH> file.
    AH> When i was doing a bit of translation someone (i think it was Michael
    AH> Pritchett) was very helpful and generated an en-US.strings file for me.
    AH> Sincerely
    AH> Alan Horkan

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