Re: Gnome Office [Re: Dublin meeting]

From: Petr Tomasek (
Date: Sat Jun 21 2003 - 14:24:34 EDT

  • Next message: Marc Maurer: "Re: Gnome Office [Re: Dublin meeting]"

    [I hope, it is OK to reply to the list.]

    > > Exciting!
    > >
    > > But what about cooperation beetween abiword and gnumeric? I.e. what about
    > > embedding one in another? I thing Jody said in some interview,
    > > gnumeric will drop (drops right now) it's support for bonobo components
    > He explained that embeded components are frankly only used as glorified
    > screenshots. I strongly agree with him, when you want to edit stuff you
    > want to edit stuff properly not in a tiny awkward embedded widget.
    > Using stuff like AbiGimp and having the embedded information update when
    > you are done. Full embedding is nice but overkill.

    Well, AbiGimp is OK, since you're displaying the image by AbiWord nativelly. But
    there are other components (spredsheet, math equation, musical notation...), that
    would need writing a part of AbiWord to display them... So clearly we need at least
    some component embedding into AbiWord.

    (And yes, I know it's easy to say and hard to implement, and I know I have written
    very little code yet. So this is not meant by no mean as a criticism. I just think
    this is quite important question for Gnome Office being able to compete with OpenOffice,

    > > Hmm... rpmbuild -tb gnumeric-1.1.X.tar.gz works for me fine.
    > Okay, but that still doesn't cover having both in a nice easy to use
    > Gnome-Office RPM.
    > I really cant believe it is that easy considering all the work Rui puts
    > into having a good RPM spec..

    Well, there is one problem with AbiWord (as I can see it): the plugins.
    Actually it would be much clearer to have abiword divided into
    'abiword' and 'abiword-lib' (or 'abiword' and 'abiword-devel' parts, or
    even: 'abiword-lib', 'abiword-lib-devel' and 'abiword') - plus
    'abiword-plugins' depending on 'abiword-lib'.

    Probably this way:

      Binary packages (dependencies):
          +--------->> abiword
          +--------->> abiword-plugins


       abiword.src.rpm ->> abiword-lib.<arch>.rpm, abiword-lib-devel.<arch>.rpm, abiword.<arch>.rpm
       abiword-plugins.src.rpm (depending on abiword-lib.<arch>.rpm and abiword-lib-devel.<arch>.rpm)
           ->> abiword-plugins.<arch>.rpm

    That way it would be totaly clear to build abiword AND the plugins without any alchemy, we could
    even include abiword.spec into the source tarball as gnumeric does.

    And yes, this would make it quite easy to develop separate abiword-plugins without having to recompile
    the whole source of abiword - it would just use the abiword library and header files. However it's
    a question, how much overhead would it be separating the library from abiword...

    > Sincerely
    > Alan Horkan

    Petr Tomasek

    Petr Tomasek,

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