Re: RFC: Tree Changes

From: Kenneth J. Davis (
Date: Mon Nov 03 2003 - 15:52:50 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Commit (HEAD): bug 5022"

    On Mon, 03 Nov 2003 19:21:39 +0100 Marc Maurer <> wrote:

    MM> Lets jump right to the actual content part:
    MM> Our current source tree layout is getting insanely hard
    MM> for people (possible new developers) to grasp. Furtermore
    MM> our build and packaging systems are overly compilicated,
    MM> since important things like plugins and help documentation
    MM> resides outside the main abi module.

    I think our tree is well designed to make it easier for new
    developers to determine where to look (as long as new commits
    continue to follow the original tree layout guides). Sure
    we could use some clean up and refactoring (seeing if there
    is any duplicated code to move to xp or application specific
    code that can be moved to application general (application
    framework layer). I find having plugins and docs outside
    the tree as simplifying, not complicating.

    MM> I want to propose some changes to our current tree layout and
    MM> present an idea on how bootstrap AbiShow (that cria thingy that
    MM> did not came of the ground) within the current (or new) tree
    MM> layout.
    MM> Proposed Tree Changes:
    MM> General Cleanup
    MM> ===============
    MM> 1) Move the abiword-docs module into ./abi/docs

    what benifit does this give us?
     - it makes cvs update in abi slower, after all the docs are
       not updated that often
     - docs are only used as a step during package building
       (at least with diving make build)
     - if you are going to move them, wouldn't ./abi/docs/wp
       be the better choice for most of them?

    MM> 2) Create ./abi/projects and move IDE projects to it, ie.:
    MM> ./abi/projects/msvc
    MM> ./abi/projects/anjuta
    MM> ./abi/projects/...

      sure, but as not all developers require all IDE projects,
      it is nicer having them in their own module (as MSVC project
      currently is). I think it is better either for them to
      all be in their own module or create a new module ide or
      so to house them.

    MM> 3) Move the abiword-plugins module into ./abi/src/plugins/wp and
    MM> compile them by default *). Add the configure switches that
    MM> are currently present in the abiword-plugins module to abi's
    MM> configure, so people who don't want plugins can disable
    MM> building them.
    MM> This also means shipping them by default in _1_ package. Feedback
    MM> like
    MM> ested&order=0&thold=-1
    MM> means we are not serving our users the best way we can. IMO, users
    MM> prefer having most functionality by default any day over a download
    MM> package that is as small as possible. They just want it
    MM> "To Work", something we cannot say at all giving our current
    MM> plugin distribution method.
    MM> Besides, quite a lot of users don't even _know_ that plugins
    MM> exists for some particular piece of functionality. That's not
    MM> their fault, that's our fault.

    There are two issues here,
      Development - plugins should stay outside of ./abi or they should
                    be added back to the main binary.
                  - a plugin should NOT rely on the internals of abiword
                    in any way, but on a cleanly exposed API that we can
                    at least try to make as a stable ABI between minor
                    releases (e.g. 2.0.1 plugins in theory should work
                    with a 2.0.2 release, but not necessary with a
                    2.2.0 release).
                    Placing the plugins within the ./abi tree will only
                    further encourage the use of internals and not a clean
                 - plugins have extra dependencies, adding plugins to the
                   default build will require the build process to guess
                   if these are available and conditionaly compile only
                   plugins whose dependencies are found or cause a build
                   failure; presently using diving make that requires
                   manaully editing the Makefiles before building
                   - I'm working on getting the Windows installer to
                   automatically handle when a plugin is not built, and
                   adjusting the Makefiles to assume libraries are peers,
                   which works ok on Windows (which has no standard location,
                   and easier than asking users/devs to update their compilers
                   global include/lib paths, but not so good for other
                   platforms where there are standard locations).
                 - not everyone wants or needs all the plugins, so having
                   them in abi wastefully adds to its download size and
                   cvs update time

      End Users
                 - As a modem user, I like the split into smaller packages,
                   but for higher bandwidth internet access, yes a single
                   package with all our plugins is simpler. As for user's
                   not aware of plugins, I think a big change to help would
                   be for plugins to be directly mentioned on the download
                   section next to the main setup and not in a separate link
                   Make it easier for users to know they exist, as right now
                   its really easy to overlook them, especially if don't
                   know what a plugin is or that they exist.
                 - I'm working on integrating the Windows plugin installers
                   into the main installer script (hence the past email about
                   switching the default to NSIS v2), but I still think we
                   should continue to provide a setup without the plugins.
                 - How about dictionaries? why not include them as well?
    MM> *) Plugins for AbiShow (see below) can go into ./abi/src/plugins/show.

    They should be split into plugins/<app> and a plugins/general
    where general is for plugins that don't rely on any application specific
    data (except maybe where to put in the menu) and can be used by all
    applications, e.g. most of the ones in tools, but yes placing plugins
    into an application specific subdirectory does sound like a good idea,
    though I don't see the justification for moving them into ./abi

    MM> Making room for AbiShow
    MM> =======================
    MM> (Only to be done when developers show interest)
    MM> 1) Add an ./abi/src/show/ directory for the AbiShow application
    MM> The layout of this dir will mirror the structure ./abi/src/wp, ie:
    MM> ./abi/src/show/
    MM> ./abi/src/show/ap
    MM> ./abi/src/show/ap/{xp,unix,win,qnx,mac}
    MM> We can start by just 'forking' ./abi/src/wp/ into ./abi/src/show/
    MM> 2) Some dialogs currently residing in ./src/wp/ap, like the
    MM> FormatTable dialog might be moved to ./src/af/xap/, since
    MM> they will be both used by AbiWord and AbiShow.
    MM> 3) Fiddle around with the build system to allow the building
    MM> of AbiShow

      Sounds good.

    MM> Feedback is welcome,
    MM> Marc

    Overall, I don't see moving the separate cvs modules into ./abi
    as simplifying anything. As a developer, its easy enough to
    get an extra module and nicer to not have to get a module
    that you won't use, and as a user it shouldn't matter*.
    * I realize on other platforms, users also build, but if they
    are building, then they should be intelligent enough to download
    two or three files (or cvs co from multiple modules).

    But do what you want, as far a plugins go, once I finish getting
    this last plugin to build, I'm going to work on updating my
    set of AbiCapi plugins (which don't even require the abi tree
    to build).

    Jeremy Davis

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