Re: Fonts

Shaw Terwilliger (
Fri, 9 Apr 1999 08:57:42 -0500

On Fri, Apr 09, 1999 at 10:16:46AM +0100, Tom Newton wrote:
> FWIW, Maxwell (that I currently maintain) finds the necessary metrics by
> decoding the pfa file. It seems to be "good enough" - Maxwell's printed
> output is pretty good (although we don't do kerning), and it might be worth
> considering as a fallback option if an afm file cannot be found.
> The code exists in Maxwell and would be relatively easy to extract. Maybe
> you consider it to be unecessary bloat, though?

Actually, I consider that a good feature to have, but I never really
got around to looking at how to decode them from the font files.
I also have a bug assigned to me about diacritic characters and
metrics, where Adobe's ParseAFM code just returns 0 for character
widths for anything with a charcode above 127 for our fonts. What little
information the Adobe Type 1 specification documents tell me is
along the lines of "if the width is specified to be 0, then the character
is not in the font." Does Maxwell deal with high-side Latin 1
character metrics gracefully? Is it just a matter of getting better
fonts? :)

Shaw Terwilliger

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