Re: How get into the game?

Paul Rohr (
Thu, 05 Aug 1999 18:10:38 -0700


How big a project are you looking for? Bob's suggested a number of great
ways to get your feet wet and learn your way around. If you want something
more substantial to cut your teeth on, by all means let us know. There are
plenty of meaty, high-value coding projects still to be tackled on this
product. :-)

As you can probably tell by trolling through the archives of this list,
we're more than happy to describe the implementation hurdles you might face
in tackling particular features:

Basically, our experience after many years in the business is that people do
the best job when they're coding features they really care about, so we'd
always prefer for you to pick something you find appealing.

Still, if you just want us to pick something for you, we'd be *more* than
happy to give you a few very specific suggestions. ;-)

Does that sound OK?


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