Re: suggestions & observations
Thu, 1 Jul 1999 08:22:55 +1000

On Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 10:20:59AM -0500, Robert Sievers wrote:

> This was our off the cuff answer. Would people want files to automatically
> append a ".abw" to the file name on UNIX?

Yes, I personally think it is a good idea:

1) Interaction with Win32 platforms
2) Mime types for KDE/GNOME/mailcap

Optional binhex encoding on non-Mac platforms would also be cool... (If anybody
can find a copy of the BinHex standard, I'll do that one myself)

BTW, how's the Mac port going? We've now got Macs (the new boss), Win95 boxen
(the 'doze techie), and Linux boxen (my computers) here, and we need a common
word processor to use on all 3 platforms.

-- Michael Samuel <>

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