Re: suggestions & observations

Robert Sievers (
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 17:04:10 -0500

>> This was our off the cuff answer. Would people want files to automatically
>> append a ".abw" to the file name on UNIX?
>Yes, I personally think it is a good idea:
>1) Interaction with Win32 platforms
>2) Mime types for KDE/GNOME/mailcap

Well, it looks like everyone is in agreement. Somebody let the list know
if you want to add this, otherwise Shaw or Jeff will grab it later when
they have time.

>BTW, how's the Mac port going? We've now got Macs (the new boss), Win95
>(the 'doze techie), and Linux boxen (my computers) here, and we need a common
>word processor to use on all 3 platforms.

Right now it isn't. John Brewer did some early work to get AbiWord to
compile, so it isn't as if you would be starting from scratch. However,
there is a fair amount of work that has to be done there. As of right now,
I do not believe anyone has volunteered to a get Mac port going.

Robert Sievers
Open Source Evangelist

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