AbiWord 0.5.2

Paul Rohr (paul@abisource.com)
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 14:26:49 -0800

... is out.

REMINDER -- We turned on *live* access to our anonymous CVS server earlier
in the week. (It used to only update once a day.) If you haven't already
switched over, you may need to tweak your CVS settings:


The theme for this release is "flexibility", and boy there's a lot of it.
Selected highlights include:

1. Jeff expanded the XAP framework to add mechanisms for XP preferences
(stored in an XML file, of course) and XP StringSets (for localizing
messages, etc.). Among the new preference settings now honored are:

- whether to autospell, what dictionary to use, where it is
- toolbar/menu layouts and styles
- ruler units (in, cm, pi, pt)
- etc.

2. We stubbed in a more complete set of menu items, and implemented two of
the new dialogs (More Windows, About). Other cool UI stuff includes:

- improvements to the Unix font dialog
- context menus and cursors
- MRU menus (Most Recently Used, on the File menu)
- zoom!

3. Shaw got in some more improvements to the Word importer, and handed it
off to Justin, who's working on a cleaner implementation. (Just say no to
dual-importer strategies which do memory-intensive tricks with XML buffers.)

4. The tree janitors have been tidying up:

- renamed AP_*App --> XAP_*App
- renamed AP_*Dialog* --> XAP_*Dialog* where appropriate
- moved GR_* classes up a level (from abi/src/wp/gr to abi/src/gr)
- more tidiness in the Unix font-handling logic (think speed)

5. And finally, what word processor is complete without an optional set of
... emacs keybindings. :-)



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