Re: AbiWord 0.5.2

Jeff Hostetler (
Mon, 22 Mar 1999 11:31:38 -0600

i'm not sure what to do....

on NT, there's a \WINNT\Profiles\jeff\Application Data\
directory. but i've yet to find system call to give me
that pathname -- surely i don't have to guess/construct
this one myself....

on 95/98 there's the windows-system and the windows

on a network-install, some of those directories are
on the server and some are local.

if AbiWord is installed on the network server, you
won't have write access to the directory.

there should be one file per user -- not that any of these
OS'es are multi-user systems, but sometimes they try to be....

there's the registry -- just say no!

any thoughts or suggestions anyone ??

At 08:17 AM 3/22/99 -0500, Thomas Fletcher wrote:
>On Fri, 19 Mar 1999, Jeff Hostetler wrote:
>> [1] launch and exit AbiWord. this will create a new
>> preferences file.
>> on unix, the prefs file will be in ~/.abiword
>> on win32, the prefs file will be in \abiword.txt
>> (the location and names of the files on win32 will probably
>> change -- the concept of a "home" directory on Win95/98/NT
>> is, well, just a little.... broken/strange....)
>Well if nothing else could we change the Win95/98/NT
>preferences to be stored in the same directory as the
>executable. I try and keep things as clean and tidy
>as I can, though it is a loosing battle so I don't
>know why I bother.
>How about a single preference file with a new entry
>(within the file) for each user on a Win machine.
>Thomas (toe-mah) Fletcher QNX Software Systems
> Neutrino Development Group

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